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1 June 2018

Install plug-ins to ATOM editor

by libai8723

install some plugins in atom editor to help with front-end development

First installed plug-ins

1. The Plugin List

  1. emmet: for editing HTML
  2. atom-beautify: for better display various kinds of source code
  3. autocomplete-paths: Very often, your code will need to refer to other files and folders in your project. This plug-in helps by offering filenames in an autocomplete menu as you type.
  4. api-docs: lets you look up documentation based on keyword. It displays the documentation in a separate tab in the editor.
  5. linter: A linter is a program that checks the syntax and style of your code 5.1 linter-csslint: ensures that your CSS is syntactically correct and also offers suggestions about writing performant CSS. 5.2 linter-eslint: 5.3 linter-htmlhint: i do not know why this plug-in is called hint but not lint

2. Something about the docs

  1. The Mozilla Developer Network: you have two ways to access it: 1.1 and i believe that is so cool about this site 1.2

3. Something called crash course on CLI, which i think i don’t need

4. Forth: Install Node.js, which i already done by yesterday

  1. Node.js i think is a runtime for JavaScript
  2. browser-sync is a tool based on Node.js, It makes your example code easier to run in the browser and automatically reloads the browser when you save changes to your code. which i think is pretty cool for the developer

    And i already installed browser-sync, but don’t know how to use it. so bacisly browser-sync is a command line tool that serves the developing process.

    after the first 2 projects, and I will understand how to use this tool

  3. So i use atom finished editing a index.html file, and now to see the result.
  4. Sees pretty cool, and i added an favicon.ico file, makes html page seems even better.

5. browser-sync Usage

  1. Just type: browser-sync start –server –files “stylesheet/*.css *.html”

but the above command does not do the live reload work for me, so i checked the browser-sync help usage, there is a command called –watch, when i add this on, it totally worked, so here is the whole command:

$browser-sync start –server –watch –file “stylesheets*.css *.html”

and it feels cool

tags: front-end development, atom