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7 December 2018


by libai8723

How to setup the Dojo Development Environment

1. Some complaints

I think that life is a circle or a loop, you will always encounter the same thing or at least the very similar thing again and again, and this time I have to get familiar with the dijit, in order to know how to use the tree view.

Last time, I think it is no need to mastering this technique, but soon enough, the life proves it wrong, so i have to pick up the dojo toolkit learning tutorial, so I have to set up the Dev Environment

2. How to Setup the Dev Environment

Refer to this passage: Hello Dojo

Simply speaking, You need to download the source code, extract it to a directory and make the structure like below:


so your module live in the demo dir, and the rest is the dojo core, dijit, dojox and util.

you can load the dojo with this tag

<script src="dojo/dojo.js"></script>

and update the dojo config object like this:

var dojoConfig = {
    async: true,
    baseUrl: '.',
    packages: [
tags: dojo dijit environment setup