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21 September 2019

Introduction about Maven the 2nd chapter

by libai8723

The introduction about the maven the 2nd chapter

1. Some explanation about plugins

Plugins可不仅仅是减少maven distribution下载体积大小的一个小花招。Plugins为项目的构建(build)添加了新的行为。Maven从远程仓库中同时获取依赖和插件。书中讲了一个Surefire的插件,通过升级POM中的Surefire的版本,我们可以不修改其他的代码就升级单元测试的能力。

Maven针对所有的事情几乎都有对应的插件plugins,从编译java代码,到生成报告,到把应用部署到一个应用服务器,这些都有插件。Maven has abstracted common tasks into plugins which are maintained centrally and shared universally. This is what is meant by universal reuse through Maven Plugins.

2. Conceptual Model of a “Project”

Maven maintains a model of a project.我们做项目不仅仅是把java code编译成字节码,我们实际上是开发一个针对软件项目的描述,并且给出一系列唯一的坐标coordinates来表达的这个项目。那么通常来说maven的POM具有以下的特性:

  1. Dependency Management:因为一个项目是通过一个唯一的坐标组来却认定的,这个坐标组包括group identifier, artifact id 和 version,所以利用这些东西项目可以声明自己的依赖。
  2. Remote Repository:这一点与依赖管理相关,我们可以使用POM中定义的坐标来创建Maven Artifact的仓库。
  3. Universal Resue of Build Logic:Plugins中包含了很多逻辑,这些逻辑可以根据POM文件中的描述性的数据或者是配置参数来工作。Plugins并不是被设计出来用于针对特定位置的文件来进行操作的。
  4. Tool Portability/ Integration:自从有了POM的模型之后,像是eclipse,netbeans,IntelliJ现在就可以使用maven的POM文件来理解这个项目了。这就保证了项目在跨tools之间的通用一致性和可移植性。
  5. Easy searching and Filtering of Project Artifacts:有了POM文件之后像是Nexus这样的工具就可以针对一个仓库进行项目的索引和检索了。

3. Install Maven on Microsoft Windows

在windows上安装的时候,最简单的办法就是直接去Apache Maven上直接下载最新的稳定的包就可以了,安装其实也就是仅仅是下载和解压缩。在cmd中可以通过以下的方式来变更PATH:

C:\Users\tobrien > set PATH="c:\Program Files\apache-maven-3.0.5\bin";%PATH%




C:\Users\Q>mvn -v

Apache Maven 3.6.1 (d66c9c0b3152b2e69ee9bac180bb8fcc8e6af555; 2019-04-05T03:00:29+08:00)
Maven home: D:\mysdk\apache-maven-3.6.1\bin\..
Java version: 1.8.0_221, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: D:\Java\jdk1.8.0_221\jre
Default locale: zh_CN, platform encoding: GBK
OS name: "windows 10", version: "10.0", arch: "amd64", family: "windows"

4. User-Specific Configuration and Repository


Once you start using Maven extensively, you’ll notice that Maven has created some local user-specific configuration files and a local repository in your home directory. In ~/.m2 there will be:



在windows 10里面呢,一般指的是




A file containing user-specific configuration for authentication, repositories, and other information to customize the behavior of Maven.


This directory contains your local Maven repository. When you download a dependency from a remote Maven repository, Maven stores a copy of the dependency in your local repository.


Altering the global settings.xml file in the Maven installation itself is usually unnecessary and it tends to complicate the upgrade procedure for Maven as you’ll have to remember to copy the customized settings.xml from the old Maven installation to the new installation.

5. Getting Help with Maven

You can browse the User mailing list archives at

You can join the user mailing list by following the instructions available at Sonatype maintains an online copy of this book and other tutorials related to Apache Maven.

tags: maven