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2 July 2020

Redis's Founder Quit

by libai8723


Redis’s Founder



The end of the Redis adventure

antirez是一个意大利人,这个名字不清楚是什么意思,wiki上说这是它的Nick Name。那么我们还是看一下作者都说了什么吧。

当然博文的一开始,肯定还是回忆过去了,因为回忆过去总是比较好的,毕竟是good old times:

When I started the Redis project more than ten years ago I was in one of the most exciting moments of my career. My co-founder and I had successfully launched two of the major web 2.0 services of the Italian web. In order to make them scalable we had to invent many new concepts, that were already known in the field most of the times, but we didn’t know, nor we cared to check. Problem? Let’s figure out a solution. We wanted to solve problems but we wanted, even more, to have fun. This was the playful environment where Redis was born.


But now Redis is, incredibly, one of the main parts of so many things. And year after year my work changed from building this thing to making sure that it was also as useful as possible, as reliable as possible. And in recent years, what I do every day changed so much that most of my attention is spent in checking what other developers tell me about the Redis code, how to improve it, the changes it requires to be more correct or faster or more secure. However I never wanted to be a software maintainer.


I write code in order to express myself, and I consider what I code an artifact, rather than just something useful to get things done. I would say that what I write is useful just as a side effect, but my first goal is to make something that is, in some way, beautiful. In essence, I would rather be remembered as a bad artist than a good programmer. Now I’m asked more and more, by the circumstances created by a project that became so important, to express myself less and to maintain the project more. And this is indeed exactly what Redis needs right now. But this is not what I want to do, and I stretched myself enough during the past years.





The struggles of an open source maintainer



而且是作者答复另外一个OSS Maintainer的帖子,看来作为维护的人员,心路都是很挣扎的。其实从这篇帖子中就能看出,为什么作者会退出。因为确实有非常多痛苦的事情。

Flood effect

I don’t believe in acting fast, thinking fast, winning the competition on time and stuff like that. I don’t like the world of constant lack of focus we live in, because of social networks, chats, emails, and a schedule full of activities. So when I used to receive an email about Redis back in the early times of the project, when I still had plenty of time, I was able to focus on what the author of the message was trying to tell me. Then I could recall the relevant part of Redis we were discussing, and finally reply with my real thoughts, after considering the matter with care. I believe this is how most people should work regardless of what their job is.

作者的第一个观点就是,我不相信,acting fast, thinking fast这类的东西,因为从作者来看这样根本不能产出什么有用的东西。



When a software project reaches the popularity Redis reached, and at the same time once the communications between individuals are made so simple by the new social tools, and by your attitude to be “there” for users, the amount of messages, issues, pull requests, suggestions the authors receive will grow exponentially. At the same time, at least in the case of Redis, but I believe this to be a common problem, the amount of very qualified people that can look at such inputs from the community grows very slowly. This creates an obvious congestion. Most people try to address it in the wrong way: using pragmatism. Let’s close the issue after two weeks of no original poster replies, after we ask some question. Close all the issues that are not very well specified. And other “inbox zero” solutions. The reality is that to process community feedbacks very well you have to take the time needed, otherwise you will just pretend your project has a small number of open issues. Having a lot of resources to hire core-level experts for each Redis subsystem, to work at OSS full time, would work but is not feasible.





然后事实是处理社区的反馈,而且想要处理的好的话,你需要足够多的时间,否则你只能假装你的项目只有一小部分open issues。当然花很多钱来雇佣高级别的专家来负责Redis的各个子系统,为了OSS事业做全职工作,都是解决办法,但是太贵。

So what happens? That you start to prioritize more and more what to look at and what not. And you feel you are a piece of shit at ignoring so many things and people, and also the contributor believes you don’t care about what others have to give you. It’s a complex situation. Usually the end result is to develop an attitude to mostly address critical issues and disregard all the new stuff, since new stuff are yet not in the core, and who wants to have a larger code base with even more PRs and issues there? Maybe also written in a more convoluted way compared to your usual programming style, so, more complexity, and good luck when there is a critical bug there to track the root cause.

基于以上的理由,你开始把越来越多的东西进行优先级排序,你排序你认为重要的,和你认为不重要的,都是越来越多。然后你会感觉到你自己就是 a piece of shit,因为你忽略了这么多的事情和人,同理那些热情的贡献者认为你不关心他们的贡献。

情况复杂难以处理。通常来说,在最终结果会怎么样呢?通常来说我们会发展出一种态度,一种忽视一切的态度,尤其是忽视new stuff,因为你的attitude都被address到critical issus上了。毕竟新的stuff会带来新更大的代码仓,更多的PR和Issues,而这些恰好是我们不想要的。可能这些新的PR还是用了一种与你现有的代码仓完全不同,且更复杂的编码方式来实现的,所以这为你的项目带来了更多的复杂性,然后当你遇到critical issues的时候,你只能祈求一些good luck来锁定根因。

Role Shifting

As a result of the “flood effect” problem exposed above, you suddenly also change job. Redis became popular because I supposedly am able to design and write software. And now instead most of the work I do is to look at issues and pull requests, and I also feel that I could do better many of the contributions I receive. Some will be better quality than I could do, because there are also better programmers than me contributing to Redis, but most for the nature of big numbers will be average contributions that are just written to solve a given problem that was contingent for the folks that submitted it. While, when I design for Redis, I tend to think at Redis as a whole, because it’s years I write this thing. So what you were good at, you have no longer time to do. This in turn means less organic big new features. My solution with that? Sometimes I just stop looking at issues and PRs for weeks, because I’m coding or designing: that is the work I really love and enjoy. However this in turn creates ways more pressure on me, psychologically. To do what I love and I can do well I’ve to feel like shit.

由于上面提到的洪水效应的问题,你突然发现你的工作的角色完全发生了变化。 我猜测Redis变的流行主要是因为我能够设计和编写出好的软件。 但是成为OSS的维护人之后,我更多关注的是issue和PR,相对于很多我收到的contributions来说,我感觉我明明能做的更好,但是我没有时间去做了。

当然,也有一些贡献者提供的代码质量是比我更好的,因为当然有很多更好的程序员向Redis提交代码。 但是贡献者中的大多数都是非常平均的水平,也就是一般的水平,他们提交的代码仅仅是为了解决它们所遇到的特定的问题的。而我作为Redis的设计者,我通常把Redis当作一个整体来对待,因为我在这个东西上花费了数年的时间。这些是我擅长的事情,但是现在没有时间去做了。这也导致了Redis中越来越少的有用的特性的出现。而我对应这个问题的方式也很简单,有时间我就单纯的停止去看issues和pr,这是造成我压力的根源。

然而为了去做我所爱和我所擅长的事情,不管不顾其他贡献者,让我feels like shit。


There are two problems related to working at the same project for a prolonged amount of time, at least for me. First, before of the Redis experience I never worked every week day of my life. I could work one week, stop two, then work one month, then disappear for other two months. Always. People need to recharge, get new energy and ideas, to do creative work. And programming at high level is a fucking creative job. Redis itself was created like that for the first two years, that is, when the project evolved at the fastest speed. Because the sum of the productivity of me working just when I want is greater than the productivity I’ve when I’m forced to work every day in a steady way.

对我来说在同一个project上工作特别上的时间存在两个巨大的问题。首先,在从事Redis的工作之前,在我的生活中我从未在连续的工作周工作。我可以一周工作,然后停下来两周,然后工作一个月,然后消失两个月。 我总是认为,人们需要为自己充电,补充能量获取新的灵感和创意,从而才能做好创造性的工作。而从某一个高度来看,编程恰恰就是这样一个具有创意性的工作。 而Redis就是在这样的工作方式下创造出来的,在Redis的前两年中,project进化的很快。我认为,当我想要工作的时候,我的效率是大大于我每天都固定的工作一段时间的效率的。


I always had some fear to lose the technological leadership of the project. Not because I think I’m not good enough at designing and evolving Redis, but because I know my ways are not aligned with: 1) what a sizable amount of users want. 2) what most people in IT believe software is. So I had to constantly balance between what I believe to be good design, set of features, speed of development (slow), size of the project (minimal), and what I was expected to deliver by most of the user base. Fortunately there is a percentage of Redis users that understand perfectly the Redis-way, so at least from time to time I can get some word of comfort.


  1. 大多数用户想要的东西
  2. 大多数IT从业人员认为软件是什么


  1. set of features.
  2. speed of development(slow)
  3. size of the project(minimal)
  4. demands of most of the user base



Certain people are total assholes. They are everywhere, it is natural and if you ask me, I even believe in programming there are a lot more nice people than in other fields. But yet you’ll always see a percentage of total jerks. As the leader of a popular OSS project, in one way or the other you’ll have to confront with these people, and that’s maybe one of the most stressful things I ever did in the course of the Redis development.



Sometimes I believe that software, while great, will never be huge like writing a book that will survive for centuries. Note because it is not as great per-se, but because as a side effect it is also useful… and will be replaced when something more useful is around. I would like to have time to do other activities as well. So sometimes I believe all I’m doing is, in the end, futile. We’ll design and write systems, and new systems will emerge; but anyone that just stays in software, instead of staying in “software big ideas”, will ever set a new mark? From time to time I think I had potentially the ability to work at big ideas but because I focused on writing software instead of thinking about software, I was not able to use my potential in that regard. This is basically the contrary of the impostor syndrome, so I guess I’ve a big idea of myself: sorry for that I should be more humble.


tags: Redis "Open-Source Software"