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14 July 2020

Dependency Inversion Principle

by libai8723


Dependency Inversion Principle

之前看看到DDD Introduction的时候看到一篇关于Dependency Inversion的博客还是写的很好的,因此快速阅读一下

Dependency Inversion Principle

In object-oriented design, the dependency inversion principle is a specific form of decoupling software modules. When following this principle, the conventional dependency relationships established from high-level, policy-setting modules to low-level, dependency modules are reversed, thus rendering high-level modules independent of the low-level module implementation details. The principle states: [1]

A. High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions (e.g. interfaces).

B. Abstractions should not depend on details. Details (concrete implementations) should depend on abstractions.

在OOD中,依赖反转的原理是一种解耦软件模块的特定的方式。当我们遵从这个原理的时候,那些传统的从high-level——策略设定的模块 到 low-level——依赖模块的的关系将被反转,因此将会使得高层级的模块独立于底层级的模块的具体实现,这个原理详细是这么说的:

  1. 高层级的模块不应该依赖于底层及的模块。它们俩都应该依赖于抽象(例如:interfaces)
  2. 抽象不应该依赖于细节。细节(Concrete implementations)应该依赖于抽象。

By dictating that both high-level and low-level objects must depend on the same abstraction, this design principle inverts the way some people may think about object-oriented programming. [2]


The idea behind points A and B of this principle is that when designing the interaction between a high-level module and a low-level one, the interaction should be thought of as an abstract interaction between them. This not only has implications on the design of the high-level module, but also on the low-level one: the low-level one should be designed with the interaction in mind and it may be necessary to change its usage interface.


In many cases, thinking about the interaction in itself as an abstract concept allows the coupling of the components to be reduced without introducing additional coding patterns, allowing only a lighter and less implementation dependent interaction schema.


When the discovered abstract interaction schema(s) between two modules is/are generic and generalization makes sense, this design principle also leads to the following dependency inversion coding pattern.


Traditional layers pattern (传统的分层模式)

In conventional application architecture, lower-level components (e.g. Utility Layer) are designed to be consumed by higher-level components (e.g. Policy Layer) which enable increasingly complex systems to be built. In this composition, higher-level components depend directly upon lower-level components to achieve some task. This dependency upon lower-level components limits the reuse opportunities of the higher-level components. [1]


Traditional Layers Pattern

Traditional Layers Pattern

The goal of the dependency inversion pattern is to avoid this highly coupled distribution with the mediation of an abstract layer, and to increase the re-usability of higher/policy layers.

DI Pattern的目标就是使用中间的抽象层来避免这种高耦合的现象,并且增加高层级/策略层的重用可能性。

Dependency inversion pattern

With the addition of an abstract layer, both high- and lower-level layers reduce the traditional dependencies from top to bottom. Nevertheless, the “inversion” concept does not mean that lower-level layers depend on higher-level layers. Both layers should depend on abstractions that draw the behavior needed by higher-level layers.


DI Pattern

DI Pattern

In a direct application of dependency inversion, the abstracts are owned by the upper/policy layers. This architecture groups the higher/policy components and the abstractions that define lower services together in the same package. The lower-level layers are created by inheritance/implementation of these abstract classes or interfaces. [1]


The inversion of the dependencies and ownership encourages the re-usability of the higher/policy layers. Upper layers could use other implementations of the lower services. When the lower-level layer components are closed or when the application requires the reuse of existing services, it is common that an Adapter mediates between the services and the abstractions.


Dependency inversion pattern generalization


In many projects the dependency inversion principle and pattern are considered as a single concept that should be generalized, i.e., applied to all interfaces between software modules. There are at least two reasons for that:


  1. It is simpler to see a good thinking principle as a coding pattern. Once an abstract class or an interface has been coded, the programmer may say: “I have done the job of abstraction”.

  2. Because many unit testing tools rely on inheritance to accomplish mocking, the usage of generic interfaces between classes (not only between modules when it makes sense to use generality) became the rule.

If the mocking tool used relies only on inheritance, it may become necessary to widely apply the dependency inversion pattern. This has major drawbacks:


  1. Merely implementing an interface over a class isn’t sufficient to reduce coupling; only thinking about the potential abstraction of interactions can lead to a less coupled design.
  2. Implementing generic interfaces everywhere in a project makes it harder to understand and maintain. At each step the reader will ask themself what are the other implementations of this interface and the response is generally: only mocks.
  3. The interface generalization requires more plumbing code, in particular factories that generally rely on a dependency-injection framework.
  4. Interface generalization also restricts the usage of the programming language.

The presence of interfaces to accomplish the Dependency Inversion Pattern (DIP) has other design implications in an object-oriented program:


  1. All member variables in a class must be interfaces or abstracts.
  2. All concrete class packages must connect only through interface or abstract class packages.
  3. No class should derive from a concrete class.
  4. No method should override an implemented method. [1]
  5. All variable instantiation requires the implementation of a creational pattern such as the factory method or the factory pattern, or the use of a dependency-injection framework.


tags: Dependency Inversion Principle