Note About Front End Development, Vue, React, Java Spring, Maven Etc.

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A Very Chatty Blog of LiBai


This is a personal log about learning front end development, mainly about the book < Front-End Web Development The Big Nerd Ranch Guide >.

and i think the Github Pages is perfect for hosting such a personal log. On 2019-09-21, I think I shoud put other blog here. For example, vue, react, maven, java Spring boot.

Mastering Markdown

jekyllrb doc

Post Entries

  1. Java Generic <9. Wildcards and Subtyping> Reading the oracle tutorial at 2021-02-03


  2. Java Generic <11. Type Erasure> Reading the oracle tutorial at 2021-02-03


  3. Java Generic <10. Guidelines for Wildcards Usage> Reading the oracle tutorial at 2021-02-03

    使用通配符的时候,注意的原则,也就是很多中文博客里面说的PECS,Producer Extends, Consumer Super。PECS是这个Guide Lines的其中一部分

  4. Java Generic <8. Wildcards> Reading the oracle tutorial at 2021-02-02


  5. Java Generic <7. Type Inference> Reading the oracle tutorial at 2021-02-02


  6. Java Generic <6. Generic, Inheritance and Subtype> Reading the oracle tutorial at 2021-02-02


  7. Java Generic <5. Generic Method and Bounded Type Parameters> Reading the oracle tutorial at 2021-02-02


  8. Java Generic <4. Bounded Type Parameters> Reading the oracle tutorial at 2021-02-02


  9. Java Generic <3. Generic Method> Reading the oracle tutorial at 2021-02-02

    java范型第3章,generic method

  10. Java Generic <2. Raw Type> Reading the oracle tutorial at 2021-02-02

    java范型第二章,raw type

  11. Java Generic <1. Generic Type> Reading the oracle tutorial at 2021-02-02


  12. Class Level Attributes——InnerClasses Attributes at 2021-01-26

    Class file format, class level attributes —— Inner Classes 这一章主要是在看到了java asm的ClassReader类的accept方法在解析class级别的属性(attributes)之后,觉得应该大概了解一下 本章看 Inner classes Attr

  13. The Local Classes at 2021-01-22

    继续讨论local classes的定义和特性,以及与内部类的相似之处

  14. The Inner Classes at 2021-01-21

    一、内部类 Inner Class

  15. The Modifiers for Outer Classes at 2021-01-17

    关于外部类(Outer Class)的Access Modifiers的要求。只有public, abstract & final 是允许的。

  16. The Nested Classes at 2021-01-15

    一、内嵌类 Nested Class

  17. The Java ASM library Core API----Interface and Components----Extended Reading ClassReader at 2021-01-11

    为什么狠下心阅读这个ClassReader的类呢,是因为看user guide感觉看懂了,但是又觉得没有看懂

  18. The Visitor Pattern at 2020-12-31

    在访问者模式(Visitor Pattern)中,我们使用了一个访问者类(Visitor),它改变了元素类(Elements)的执行算法。通过这种方式,元素的执行算法(就是对于这个元素和其组成的访问和操作)可以随着访问者(Visitor改变而改变),不需要修改元素类本身。这种类型的设计模式属于行为型模式(Behavioral Pattern)。根据模式,元素对象接受(accept)访问者对象,这样访问者对象就可以针对元素对象进行操作。

  19. The Abstract Classes at 2020-12-17


  20. The Java ASM library Core API----Interface and Components at 2020-12-16


  21. The Java ASM library Core API----Class at 2020-12-15


  22. The Java ASM library learning at 2020-12-15

    为什么要学习Java ASM呢

  23. Test the performance of sort primitive int array and object wrapped int array at 2020-12-12


  24. Java Multithreading Basic 2nd Performing More Advanced Thread Tasks at 2020-11-17

    Java Multithreading

  25. Java Multithreading Basic 2nd Daemon Thread at 2020-11-17

    Java Multithreading

  26. Java Multithreading Basic 1th at 2020-11-16

    Java Multithreading

  27. Some notes to Spring in Action 4th edition 4th chapter 3.4 Section- Annotating introduction at 2020-09-19

    Annotating introductions

  28. 微服务架构实战-第三章 第三节面向切面(AOP) at 2020-07-28

    第三章第三小节主要讲述AOP,从spring in action 4th版本我们知道 Spring自己实现的AOP是基于proxy的设计模式实现的,但是基本足够了。更强大的可以看AspectJ的实现方案。

  29. Java Annotation from Oracle Docs at 2020-07-28

    周日的晚上睡前想要看点什么东西,之前看过很多次Java Annotation的讲解但是都没看完,这次居然看完了,也看懂了。 简单要记录一下阿。

  30. 微服务架构实战-第三章 at 2020-07-20

    微服务架构实战第三章主要介绍Spring boot和集成其他开源三方件的便利之处,所以才会有这个标题

  31. Dependency Inversion Principle at 2020-07-14


  32. Redis's Founder Quit at 2020-07-02


  33. A quick introduction to DDD at 2020-06-15


  34. Introduction about Maven extending reading on Maven Official Website at 2020-05-11

    1. Introduction to the Build Lifecycle

  35. Some notes to Spring in Action 4th edition 4th chapter - AOP at 2020-01-31

    What is Cross-Cutting Concern

  36. Some notes to Spring in Action 4th edition 3rd chapter - Scoping Beans at 2020-01-30

    Advanced Wiring

  37. Some notes to Spring in Action 4th edition 2nd at 2020-01-26

    Advanced Wiring

  38. Some notes to Spring in Action 4th edition 1st at 2020-01-26

    1. 关于依赖注入(Dependency Injection)

  39. Introduction about Maven the 4th chapter at 2020-01-01

    1. Core Concepts

  40. Introduction about Maven the 3rd chapter at 2019-09-21

    1. Introduction

  41. Introduction about Maven the 2nd chapter at 2019-09-21

    The introduction about the maven the 2nd chapter

  42. Introduction about Maven the 1st chapter at 2019-09-18

    The introduction about the maven the 1st chapter

  43. Dojo-Toolkit-DevEnv-Setup at 2018-12-07

    How to setup the Dojo Development Environment

  44. Learn Dojo Hello World Course at 2018-10-14

    Dojo is an awesome framework, but the other 3 framwork became the main stream

  45. Advanced AMD Usage at 2018-10-06

    AMD的意思是异步模块定义(asynchronize module definition),是曾经一种比较流行的js模块定义方式

  46. Introduction to AMD Module at 2018-10-05

    AMD是一种曾经非常主流的js module的定义,但是后来不流行了,因为Mendix的原因我这边曾经短暂的学习过一下dojo和amd

  47. Configuring Dojo with dojoConfig at 2018-10-05


  48. Modern Dojo at 2018-10-04


  49. A short understanding about Node&NPM Module or Package loaded at 2018-09-30

    介绍Nodejs和Npm Module是什么,其实后来回想的时候发现,js的module定义真的好乱,其实直接从TypeScript来学可能也是一个不错的思路。

  50. Git Usage Tips at 2018-09-25

    对于git的配置是从哪里来的呢,我一直很疑惑,所以看到一个git config –list –show-origin非常有用,因此记录一下

  51. An Short Intro and Template for Jekyll Post at 2018-09-07


  52. The 3rd Chapter about style at 2018-06-03


  53. Setting Up Your First Project at 2018-06-02


  54. Install plug-ins to ATOM editor at 2018-06-01

    install some plugins in atom editor to help with front-end development

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front-end development, atom

front-end development






dojo dijit environment setup


Spring in Action 4th edition

Domain-Driven Design

Redis "Open-Source Software"

Dependency Inversion Principle


Java Annotation

Java Multithreading

leetcode basis



Design Pattern